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I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Laboratoire Méthodes Formelles (LMF) at ENS Paris-Saclay, working within the research group Deducteam.

I am interested in mathematical and computational structures for representing mathematics. In particular, I have a special interest in the intersection of type-theoretic and set-theoretic technqiues for interactive theorem proving.

Currently, I’m working on translating specifications and proofs from SMT solvers (in particular, cvc5) to the proof assistant Lambdapi.


Isabelle/HOL/GST: A Formal Proof Environment for Generalized Set Theories

Ciarán Dunne, J. B. Wells

Conference for Intelligent Computer Mathematics, Tbisili, Georgia (2022)

Generating Custom Set Theories with Non-Set Structured Objects

Ciarán Dunne, J. B. Wells, Fairouz Kamareddine

Conference for Intelligent Computer Mathematics, Timișoara, Romania (2021)

Adding an Abstraction Barrier to ZF Set Theory

Ciarán Dunne, J. B. Wells, Fairouz Kamareddine

Conference for Intelligent Computer Mathematics, Temasora, Italy (2020)